Tope Lighting - are reliable LED light settings manufacturers and suppliers who constantly improve their products and submit the most efficient solutions for lighting systems.
We receivenumerous enquiries on necessary lighting and the number of light sets, in certain types of accommodation. Amsted by a professional team, we are introducing the first lighting calculator in Lithuania. We are the first company to introduce how to calculate lighting within your house, office, sales premises, warehouse or classrooms in a simple and convenient way.
One just needs to know the required measurements and include the data in the lighting calculator. It is very simple and it can be applied rapidly. The required amount of lighting can be calculated anywhere and at any time just the internet connection . One may use lither a computer on a phone. This saves time and contributes to creating the desired lighting, conforming to the hygiene standard of the Republic of Lithuania.
Lighting calculator will helps a person to do without complicated calculations. The most optimal and economic lighting will be chosen when the calculator submit the number of required lighting sets and give in on how to use them efficiently.
Calculator operation strategyThe lighting calculator suits anyone those who wants to create lighting of individual houses and anyone who is looks for most optimal solutions for warehouses or other types of spaces. Correctly applied lighting save energy and exploitation expense. This enables to optimize interior details and creates a friendly atmosphere. LED lighting emphasizes not only colours, but textures and contours. Press “Calculate” and the lighting calculator will give the accurate calculations. All the necessary information can be downloaded in a PDF file. The document will give the basic technical measurements of the chosen lighting system. For chosen comfort, a client can find the mayor information about the produce – certification, specification, installation instructions and application examples.
On our catalogue you will find a wide choice of lighting systems suitable for individual houses, offices, industrial premises and ever warehouses with high ceilings. We are expanding our assortment goods that anyone will be able to find the desired produce.
We hope that this information will be useful in installing the most efficient lighting suitable for a certain types of accommodation.